
This weekend I was working on exposing faction properties through the modding framework so that they could be accessed through scripts. In doing so I noticed it took me a quite a lot of time  just to expose a single property. So I decided to do a little bit of refactoring to simplify how entity properties are defined. That little bit turned out to be not to be so little... In the end I ended up compacting 1200 lines of code into around 500 lines. Though compacting code is on itself not a big deal. The best part about all this refactoring is that now I can add new properties with just 3 to 5 lines of code instead of ~20 and in about half the time.

Regardless, that is all to say that I'm still not fully done defining the split clan decision and I have yet to start working on integrating modded decisions into the simulation. Which is not good. But I really hope this refactoring will cut development time for the rest of the decisions when I get to work on them next month.

Get Worlds - History Simulator


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gotta do it! Well worth the time.