Messing up Discoveries

This progress update is going to be a little bit rushed since I have to deal with many real-life issues this week. So sorry in advance for the lack of details.

I'm still working on integrating modded discoveries into the simulation. To do this, I first disabled the code related to the boat-making discovery so that the game will instead use the info regarding boat-making that was loaded from the mod. The most difficult part was rewriting how knowledge level 'asymptotes' are defined. Level 'asymptotes' are the tools the simulation uses to control how far a culture's knowledge on one particular area can grow. So that the knowledge can't grow indefinitely without some sort of breakthrough happening first. For example, shipbuilding by default cannot grow beyond level 10 on it's own until sailing is discovered. At which point a new asymptote is set to allow the knowledge to grow up to level 30.

Right now, the replacement code for the boat-making discovery compiles but the simulation crashes midway during it's execution, so I'm going to keep working on fixing the issues before moving on and replacing the rest of the discoveries. If everything goes right I should be able to do all of that in the next two or three weeks and, in doing so, complete the 'Discovery modding' task. If that's the case then I'll be able to move onto the 'Decision modding' task soon after.

Get Worlds - History Simulator

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